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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}The postings in this column will be primarily from Power the Future, which is a non-profit organization fighting for American energy workers.-?
Washington, D.C. - After Americans resoundingly voted for a new direction on energy policy, Power The Future today released a strategic five-point plan to reverse the failures of the Biden-Harris administration that fueled record gasoline prices and the highest inflation in decades.
These five actions include:
Rescinding every Biden anti-energy executive order - The Biden-Harris administration ruled through executive orders. Specifically, executive orders cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline and re-joining the failed Paris Climate accords. These, and many others, should be rescinded on the first day.
Washington, D.C. - After Americans resoundingly voted for a new direction on energy policy, Power The Future today released a strategic five-point plan to reverse the failures of the Biden-Harris administration that fueled record gasoline prices and the highest inflation in decades.
These five actions include:
Rescinding every Biden anti-energy executive order - The Biden-Harris administration ruled through executive orders. Specifically, executive orders cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline and re-joining the failed Paris Climate accords. These, and many others, should be rescinded on the first day.
Washington, D.C. - After this week’s widespread rejection of the Biden-Harris Administration, Power The Future is calling on any taxpayer-funded employee traveling to the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC – better known as COP29 – to do so on their own dime.
This year’s conference is taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan – more than 6,000 miles from Washington D.C., requiring 2.67 metric tons of carbon for a round-trip flight.
Washington, D.C. - With energy on the ballot in the 2024 election, voters across the country resoundingly voted for American energy dominance. At the top of the ticket, President Donald Trump won the key energy state of Pennsylvania and the White House along with it. Meanwhile, voters in West Virginia and Ohio approved of new Senators who support an America First energy policy. In response, Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future issued the following statement:
“Our long national nightmare with the Green New Deal is finally over because energy was on the ballot in 2024, and energy won. On day one, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris fired thousands of Keystone XL workers and thankfully starting in January it’s this administration that will be unemployed.
Washington, D.C. - In another blow to American workers, Ford announcedit will idle the Michigan plant responsible for manufacturing the electric F-150. According to reports, the plant is expected to cease operations later this month and impact 750-800 workers. During her time in office, Vice President Kamala Harris constantly pushed for electric vehicles, particularly by casting the tie-breaking vote for the controversial Inflation Reduction Act while claiming she “brought manufacturing back to America.”
Albuquerque – Energy was a big part of the conversation today as thousands of New Mexicans greeted former President Donald Trump during a campaign stop in Albuquerque. As the second largest producer of oil in the United States, and with energy revenue making up around 35 percent of the state budget, the issue is front and center for the Land of Enchantment. In response, Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future, issued the following statement:
Washington, D.C. - A new report titled Green Fail sheds light on the waste and widespread fraud running rampant in the Biden-Harris administration’s environmental policies, particularly those tied to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA.) The report, released by Power The Future, presents a detailed analysis of the misallocation of billions of taxpayer dollars and results that fall well short of expectations.
Washington, D.C. - The Kamala Harris campaign is again struggling to articulate the Vice President’s stance on fracking with two weeks to go before Election Day. In 2019, Harris favored an outright ban on fracking, then after ascending to the Democratic Nomination earlier this year, she reversed that position. Now, a top climate staffer is walking back those comments saying Harris would not expand fracking if she were to win next month.
“Kamala Harris continues to lie and twist herself into a pretzel about her positions on energy because she needs states like Pennsylvania in order to win the White House and her record of failure won’t cut it,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “The truth is crystal clear: Kamala Harris is lying about who she really is in order to get votes and no amount of campaign staff spin will change that reality.”
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