The postings in this column will be primarily from Power the Future, which is a non-profit organization fighting for American energy workers.-?
Washington, D.C. -Moderators in the first Presidential Debate of 2024 failed to ask a single question about American energy independence, giving President Joe Biden a pass on his record. In response, Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future, issued the following statement:
"Number one: If the moderators had the courage to ask President Biden about his energy policy, they would see he has no defense. Number two: Americans are paying more because Joe Biden is energy incompetent. Number three: Americans should remember that energy is on the ballot in November, even if biased media moderators don't admit it."
Washington, D.C. - The Biden Administration is again considering drainingthe nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) the summer before a major election. When Biden took office, the SPR level was at over 638 million barrels; today that level is at 370 million, the biggest drawdowns taking place in the lead up to the 2022 midterm elections.Â
Albuquerque – According to a new report from the bipartisan New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee, New Mexico's oil and gas workers delivered $15.2 billion in revenue during the last fiscal year. Analysts also reported the oil and gas industry is expected to deliver gains for nearly a decade.  Oil and gas revenue make up 35 percent of the state's general fund and 37 percent of taxable property which goes to local governments.Â
Washington, D.C. - According to media reports, First Lady Jill Biden is in the middle of making several trips back-and-forth across the Atlantic in just a few short days. In at least one leg of the journey, the First Lady boarded a military aircraft in Paris to return to Delaware in order to attend court proceedings. In total, the First Lady flew between the United States and France at least three times from Wednesday through Friday.Â
"As Joe Biden threatens to declare a climate emergency complete with COVID-style lockdowns and punitive measures, he's using hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet fuel at the taxpayer expense to fly his wife back-and-forth across the Atlantic," said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. "The Biden climate scheme is pretty simple: working families are supposed to shut up and pay up while he and all the other hypocrites live it up."
Washington, D.C. - Today, Power The Future Founder and Executive Director Daniel Turner issued the following statement in response to Vermont becoming the first state to demand payments from oil companies for a share of what they define as climate damage.
"For those fretting about alleged quid pro quos, pay close attention to recent events in Vermont where the climate movement has shown they are interested in extorting cash above all else. Unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats will rush to define any element of the weather as damaging because they know they can shakedown private industry for more cash. It's clear the only green the climate movement will ever care about is money."
Albuquerque – Major concerns are surfacing about Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's proposed $600 million solar manufacturing deal. According to a bombshell front-page story from the Albuquerque Journal, the company at the center of Lujan Grisham's efforts faces a number of issues including:
An investigation into violating federal securities laws.
Delayed release of financial reports.
A massive drop in stock price.
The largest shareholder is now a Chinese-based company.
Washington, D.C. - As Americans continue to grapple with rising costs, Power The Future applauds the effort of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to repeal the tax on natural gas imposed by President Biden. The increased cost for natural gas was another aspect buried into the President's Inflation Reduction Act.
Washington, D.C. - Today, President Joe Biden took to social media to celebrate the price of gas going down despite high prices over the Memorial Day weekend. The President also took credit for draining the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve in an effort to lower prices. The effort served as a reminder that no other President has drained the nation's oilreserves more than Joe Biden.Â
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