These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Monday, July 8
Unwanted subject
1313 E. 32nd Street
A named female is refusing to leave/she is still in a room and has alcohol in her system/she has been discharged. Officer advised one female in unit en route to an A Street address.
Welfare check
The Commons – 6:39 a.m.
Female screaming under the bridge at the end of the street/caller has kids showing up at 10 a.m. Officer made contact with Sarah Flurry/she is getting her things together and leaving the area.
Welfare check
2501 E. Highway 180
A female is slumped over in a silver-blue Toyota van at the exit by the light/she is moving but can't keep her head up. Officer had contact with the female/everything is okay.
Calling all future engineers. Come play with LEGO. Thursday, August 1 at 4pm.
The Girl Scouts will be presenting on literacy. Come learn about the Girl Scouts and reading. Saturday, August 3 at 1pm.
Containment increases to 39 percent on the Lolo Fire
QUEMADO, NM, July 11, 2024 – The Lolo Fire is 412 acres with 39% containment along the southern perimeter. Tasks for this area will include patrols and maintaining control features where crews have completed mop-up work which included mitigating hazards and hotspots along the fire boundary. Primary source of fire activity will be on the north and east side as fire continues to back down to areas accessible for firefighters to engage it. Tasks being performed in this area include structure protection for private property north of the fire and reducing fuels along roads that may be used as containment features.
Monday, July 1
Domestic disturbance
N. Silver Street
Advised a male is refusing to leave. Officer made contact with caller's daughter and boyfriend/boyfriend stated he and the daughter got into a minor argument but not loud/nothing was physical/only verbal. NMSP helped SCPD by taking boyfriend to his house in Santa Clara.
Unwanted subject
Brianna Way – 3:37 a.m.
A named male is on the property and does not want to leave/caller is on probation and she doesn't want him to get her in trouble/her and her kids are trying to sleep. Caller advised male just left walking/wants him issued a CTW. Officer out at the residence.
San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District
Meeting Agenda
July 12th, 2024, 10:00 AM (DST)
Fire Training Center, Reserve, NM
San Francisco Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting
Jul 12, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (America/Denver)
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Bayard Police Department
Friday, July 5
Domestic disturbance
Orchard Street
Two named subjects are fighting/it sounds physical. Officer advised clear/everything is okay/negative on a male being on scene/was just the two females.
Breaking and entering
Budge Street
Camera footage showed someone broke into Space 7 and took rolls of insulation/door was kicked in. Dispatcher advised them not to touch anything.
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