These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.

Bears reported at Gomez Peak and Little Walnut

Visitors reminded to keep their distance and pack out trash

SILVER CITY, NM, June 26, 2024 – We have a human problem at the Gomez Peak and Little Walnut picnic areas, and bears will pay the price. Black bears have been hanging around recently at the Little Walnut and Gomez Peak picnic areas off of Little Walnut Road at the north end of Silver City, attracted by the uncontained trash left behind by forest visitors.

“I can understand the desire to get a photo of a bear in the woods, but visitors have been approaching bears a bit too closely for their personal safety,” said Silver City District Ranger Elizabeth Toney. “Bears will defend themselves if a person gets too close, so don’t risk your safety and theirs in your quest to get a picture.”

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El Salvador Project featured at Rotary Meeting July 2, 2024

On Tuesday July 2, 2024, Marion and Jamie Newton will discuss The El Salvador Project and what it means to poor rural families, during the Rotary Club of Silver City meeting at 12 noon, at the Sunset Room, second floor of the WNMU Student Building.

Since 1990, under the care of the Palo Alto Friends Meeting (Quakers) in California, the El Salvador Project has assisted students from poor rural families to complete programs of higher education in teaching, medicine, nursing, physical therapy, law, business administration, agricultural engineering, and other disciplines, according to a news release. Graduates lift their families from poverty, as they enhance the quality of life in their communities and inspire others to pursue their dreams. Meaningful careers with adequate income give these young Salvadorans alternatives to migration toward the United States driven by desperation.

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Forge the Future Extravaganza Fundraiser

Saturday 29th, 10am - 6:30pm. 307 East College Ave. Silver City, NM

(575) 519-5798

The Future Forge Community Makerspace, announces exciting fundraiser and Makerpsace experience. Join them creating a custom garden pot, experience interactive demonstrations, and learn about the history of the Future Forge Makerspace. Activities for all Ages!

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Tri-City police department blotter – June 21 through June 23, 2024

Bayard Police Department

Friday, June 21

Criminal damage to property
Steyskal Street
Two juvies dressed in black throwing rocks at building/the kids went behind Blake's/one juvie dropped a can of spray paint. Deputy advised to pend for Bayard.

Weapons fired
Maple Street
Caller heard a loud boom/all neighbors are outside looking now. Officer advised ATL in Maple and surrounding area/negative contact.

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Silver City Police Department blotter – June 21 through June 23, 2024

Friday, June 21

Fraser Drive
Caller stated he woke up to a male inside his house who then left out the front door/male left some clothes at the residence and ate some items in the kitchen. Officer advised need a deputy for a report.

Welfare check
1300 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller advised a named male is lying outside/male is not very responsive. Officer ATL male on the property with negative contact.

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Silver City Public Library upcoming events

Felt puppet-making with Southwest Women’s Fiber Arts Collective
Thursday, June 27, 2:00pm – 4:00pmSilver City Public Library

515 W. College Avenue, Silver City

The Silver City Public Library will host a felt puppet-making activity with the Southwest Women’s Fiber Arts Collective, open to children, teens, and adults, as part of the summer reading program. To learn more, visit or call 575-538-3672.

Wild Irish Fiddle Concert and Dance with Kate Rose
Friday, June 28, 2:00pm – 3:00pmGough Park

The Silver City Public Library is hosting a musical journey through the Irish countryside with Kate Rose at Gough Park! Ranging from the lonesome sound of County Clare traditional fiddling to original compositions of jigs and reels, and even fusion tunes that show how this living tradition has expanded and thrived on other influences, the evening will delight your ears, touch your soul, and maybe even convince you to dance! To learn more, visit or call 575-538-3672.

Grant County Sheriff's Office blotter – June 21 through June 23, 2024

Friday, June 21

Suicide threat
S. Bonita Street
No report.

Welfare check
Partridge Drive
Caller advised his wife was having a mental health issue and he does not want to go in alone in case she tries to attack him. Deputy advised everything is okay.

Reckless driver
Chukar Drive
Caller went and spoke to a young kid who is constantly speeding/wants to know what can be done/kid drives a white Durango. Deputy set up frequent patrol for 6 p.m. for next week.

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UU the Vote for LBGTQ+ Equity Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

June 30, at 10 am, 3845 North Swan Street –  “UU the Vote for LBGTQ+ Equity”

 The Welcoming Congregation team will discuss the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) nonpartisan “UU the Vote” civic engagement initiative, and how people can get involved in promoting democracy around issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community.

 UU the Vote promotes the values of interdependence, equity, democracy, and the inherent worth and dignity of all people as direct antidotes to the fear, bigotry, and inequity that define our world. With the rise of authoritarianism and governmental attacks on and oppression of the queer and trans community in many states, it is critical that we work to advance democracy and organize for justice, accountability, and legal protections for LGBTQIA+ people.

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