These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.

Dale Walker Reading at Silver City Public Library

On Thursday, June 20, 10:00am the Silver City Public Library will host a talk with author Dale Walker. Dale will read from his books, particularly A Thousand Miles Against the Wind: Hearts and Hurricanes, recounting his adventures traveling across the continent by bicycle. In 2016 Walker sold all his things keeping only what would fit on a bicycle and set out on a journey around the world. He would eventually ride more than 40,000 miles through 48 US states and seven other countries. Traveling as Peaceful Valley Walker, he sought truth, allowed for love, and honored brotherhood. Walker found peace on lonely backroads, true friendship with strangers, and ever more reasons for service. His story is described as “A penniless romp through a land of grand generosities.”

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Whiskey Creek Zócalo - July 2024 Events


Friday, July 5

Party at the Zócalo 

4th of July After Party.

Celebrate the day after the 4th –

And the anticipation of the Monsoons!

Specialty Brats & Peppers, Hot Dogs, and Potato Salad

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Tri-City police department blotters – June 14 through June 16, 2024

Bayard Police Department

Friday, June 14

Criminal trespass
Chino Mine – Peru and Watson
Male is carrying copper wire in the backpack. Officer advised male was issued the CTW and he did not have the backpack.

801 Tom Foy Blvd.
A named female was making threats to caller over the phone and she keeps calling the managers. Officer en route to 500 East Street (Bayard Low Income Apartments)/negative contact.

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Firefighters shift to suppression repair work on Antone Fire

SILVER CITY, NM, June 17, 2024 – Firefighters are working on suppression repair work, which involves a series of actions taken to mitigate impacts caused by firefighting activities. Firefighters completed chipping slash along the entire perimeter and will be mitigating fire-weakened trees along roads, fence lines, and trails. Additionally, road maintenance will continue on County Road 13. The Antone Fire is at 12,396 acres and 60 percent completed. There are 72 personnel supporting the incident.

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Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregivers' group Not Meeting June 27, 2024

The Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregivers' group will not be meeting on the 27th. Questions?  Call Linda Brake 575-590-1499.

Gila National Forest offices closed June 19 for Juneteenth federal holiday

SILVER CITY, NM, June 17, 2024 – All Gila National Forest offices will be closed Wednesday, June 19 for the Juneteenth federal holiday. 

“June 19 marks day when federal troops rode into Galveston, Texas in 1865 to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved peoples be freed,” said Gila National Forest Supervisor Camille Howes. “I can think of no better way to celebrate freedom for all Americans than by a visit to your national forest for a family picnic, a hike, or just to breathe in the air and take in the scenery. In that spirit, June 19, 2024, the Juneteenth Holiday is a fee free day on all federal public lands.”

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Grant County Sheriff’s Office blotter – June 14 through June 16, 2024

Friday, June 14

Jaguar Street – Santa Clara
Second caller calling from the same location. Caller advising vehicle is going toward Bayard. Advising they heard 7-8 shots/advised there is a lot of screaming outside saying "Someone shot them, Ashley." Caller advised someone got into a fight and shot a female/caller advised there were four guys and one female. Caller advised she does not know who any of the subjects are. 4th caller advised they heard the shots/and then . . .

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Silver City Police Department blotter – June 14 through June 16, 2024

Friday, June 14

Suicide threat
Harris Street
No report.

Criminal trespass warning
602 N. Bullard Street
A known man went in and started yelling/he is now headed toward the co-op. Officer had contact with Matthew Fox in front of Silco and was re-issued CTW for Birdwell's/en route to speak to caller/out at Birdwell's.

Welfare check
N. Texas Street and W. Broadway
Male lying on the sidewalk. Officer made contact with Matthew Fox who stated he was okay and did not need any assistance.

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