These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.

Tri-City police departments – July 1 through July 4, 2024

Bayard Police Department

Monday, July 1

Orchard Street
Called into the PD.

Domestic disturbance
Virginia Street
Caller advised daughter started a fight with other daughters and is now on her way to caller's house to cause problems. Officer advised daughter has not shown up yet but caller will call if she does.

Welfare check
Bard Street
Caller says her mom, who has dementia, left the house/caller called back advising her mom is back at the house. Officer advised mom is okay/they will give her her meds and will call if there are any issues.

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Grant County Sheriff's Office blotter – July 1 through July 4, 2024

Monday, July 1

Domestic disturbance
2069 Cottage San Road – Silver Star
Advised the husband is at the residence and he is being physical with caller/she has a black eye and he has been arguing with her all day/he is under the influence.

Mesa Street – Santa Clara
Caller advised his stepmom is having issues with the neighbor/she has people doing work for her out there and they don't want to go back out because of the neighbor. Deputy on scene/issued (redacted) a CTW for (redacted address).

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Light Art Space invites the public to celebrate two CLAY exhibitions

Light Art Space invites the public to celebrate the opening of two CLAY exhibitions this Friday, July 5th from 5 pm – 7pm. Join us downtown for First Friday Gallery Walk and enjoy great art and refreshments.  From the Earth, a juried exhibition of clay work by 28 artists from across the county is featured in the North gallery.  In the Flash Gallery an exhibition of clay work by Jared Tso is on display.  

Gallery hours: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 11 am – 5 pm, Sunday 10 am – 2 pm, First Fridays 11 am – 7 pm, and by appointment. 

 Please visit  for more information

See Flyer below

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NM State Representative Luis Terrazas to host community wildfire conversation

Emphasizes working together to prevent catastrophic wildfire to our communities.

SILVER CITY, NM, July 3, 2024 – New Mexico State Representative Luis Terrazas will host a community wildfire preparedness meeting in coordination with local, state, and federal partners in wildfire management and prevention at 6:00 p.m.on Tuesday, July 9 at the Grant County Business and Conference Center (3031 US Highway 180 in Silver City). The purpose of the meeting is to have a conversation about wildfire threat, how we can all work together to reduce wildfire risk to the community, and resources that are available to help private landowners make their property resilient to wildfire.

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Grant Soil and Water Conservation District July 15, 2024


The regular monthly board meeting of the Grant Soil and Water Conservation District will be held Monday July15, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the NRCS Building; 3082 32nd Street Bypass; Suite C; Silver City, NM  88061.   The meeting is open to the public.

To request a copy of the agenda or for more information, please call 575-388-1569 or email

Catron County Calls for Article V Convention

Revealing a trend among New Mexico’s counties, the Roosevelt County Commission officially adopted a resolution Tuesday, calling upon the New Mexico Legislature to petition for a convention of the states under Article V of the US Constitution.   Roosevelt County became the fifth to adopt such a resolution, joining Hidalgo, Colfax, Otero, and Catron. 

Several counties are considering similar actions to urge the New Mexico Legislature to call for a national amendments convention under Article V to consider fiscal restraint, federal overreach, and term limits, all of which congress refuses to address.

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Karen Beckenbach of the Community Concert Association to speak to Rotary July 9, 2024

On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, Karen Beckenbach will speak to Rotary on the activities and mission of the Grant County Community Concert Association.

The Grant County Community Concert Association aims to enrich the cultural life of southwestern New Mexico by 1) making live concerts by nationally and internationally recognized artists accessible to a diverse audience and 2) enhancing music appreciation for the school age population through educational outreach programs presented by those artists.

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Performing Arts Studio offers Summer Drama Camps for Youth

AnaTrinidadSummer culminates with Acting Technique and Mindset Bootcamps!

SILVER CITY, NEW MEXICO, July, 2024— “Acting Classes and Growth Mindset exercises fit together like a hand in glove”, says TheActrix Studio Founder, Wendy Spurgeon. “Just a few weeks ago, a group of 14 young students participated in in a series of short musical theatre, improv, and comedy workshops, with some SEL mixed in. Drama classrooms are a natural environment for SEL (Social and Emotional Learning). Every day we see the positive impacts drama has on children’s social, cognitive, physical, and emotional development. As drama teachers, we tend to incorporate elements of SEL without even thinking about it. In this summer series, we did it on purpose!”  Spurgeon, with fellow instructors Hallie Harris, Ana Trinidad, and teaching assistants, Faith Pellegrino and Siobhan Pyper combined forces to offer a full summer schedule of Mindset, SEL (Social Emotional Learning), and Drama classes.

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