These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
We are delighted to invite you to our Open House, where we celebrate everything to do with this area's beautiful growing season! This special event will be held on Saturday, June 29nd, from 10 AM to 6 PM, and is designed to be a day of fun, learning, and community spirit for all ages. Whether you're a green thumb or just curious about gardening, there's something for everyone! /
See pdf below:
Silver City -- Wednesday, June 26, the Silver City Museum's community conversation series continues when Thomas Grant Richardson, PhD, will discuss "The Art of Oral History and Saving Your Family's Story." The presentation is free, and will be held in the ABC Room of the Besse-Forward Global Resource Center, from noon to 1:00 pm, on the campus of Western New Mexico University. Community conversations are a collaboration of the Silver City Museum and WILL, the Western Institute for Lifelong Learning.
Dr. Richardson, who guided Silver City Museum Curator Javier Marrufo as he developed the popular Chihuahua Hill History Project, will lead a discussion on the value, techniques, and challenges of creating an accurate and representative collection of oral histories, and will offer his perspective on how this important, local oral history project was designed and brought to life.
Dr. Richardson received his PhD in folklore and ethnomusicology from Indiana University in 2019, and is the director of the Center for Washington Cultural Traditions in Washington State. In this role, he oversees the center's cultural traditions survey and heritage arts apprenticeship program, and serves as a resource for folk and traditional arts research, documentation and programming.
Chiricahua Apache National Foundation to participate in live radio conversations on the powwow and current issues.
See pdf below:
Type 3 team transfers command back to the local forest
SILVER CITY, NM, June 19, 2024 Current acreage of the Antone Fire remains at 12,396 acres and is 91 percent completed. There are 35 personnel assigned to the incident and those resources will continue to patrol the perimeter. Observed fire behavior has been minimal, characterized by creeping and smoldering which is why the closure order for the area remains in effect for public safety.
Gila officials urge visitors to exercise extreme caution due to the very high fire danger. Prioritize fire prevention in any activities that could cause a spark such as target shooting and be aware where you park as hot exhaust systems and catalytic converters can ignite dry grass or shrubs. Ensure that all campfires are fully extinguished and dispose of cigarette butts properly. Fire prevention awareness is crucial during this time as fire activity is increasing across the southwest region.
On Thursday, June 20, 10:00am the Silver City Public Library will host a talk with author Dale Walker. Dale will read from his books, particularly A Thousand Miles Against the Wind: Hearts and Hurricanes, recounting his adventures traveling across the continent by bicycle. In 2016 Walker sold all his things keeping only what would fit on a bicycle and set out on a journey around the world. He would eventually ride more than 40,000 miles through 48 US states and seven other countries. Traveling as Peaceful Valley Walker, he sought truth, allowed for love, and honored brotherhood. Walker found peace on lonely backroads, true friendship with strangers, and ever more reasons for service. His story is described as "A penniless romp through a land of grand generosities."
Friday, July 5
Party at the Zócalo
4th of July After Party.
Celebrate the day after the 4th
And the anticipation of the Monsoons!
Specialty Brats & Peppers, Hot Dogs, and Potato Salad
Bayard Police Department
Friday, June 14
Criminal trespass
Chino Mine Peru and Watson
Male is carrying copper wire in the backpack. Officer advised male was issued the CTW and he did not have the backpack.
801 Tom Foy Blvd.
A named female was making threats to caller over the phone and she keeps calling the managers. Officer en route to 500 East Street (Bayard Low Income Apartments)/negative contact.
SILVER CITY, NM, June 17, 2024 Firefighters are working on suppression repair work, which involves a series of actions taken to mitigate impacts caused by firefighting activities. Firefighters completed chipping slash along the entire perimeter and will be mitigating fire-weakened trees along roads, fence lines, and trails. Additionally, road maintenance will continue on County Road 13. The Antone Fire is at 12,396 acres and 60 percent completed. There are 72 personnel supporting the incident.
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