This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.

NMSU College of Business alum, grad student celebrate recent Aggie Shark Tank wins

Adriana Garcia is a graduate student entrepreneur and innovator from New Mexico State University’s College of Business who took the chance and reaped the benefits as one of the winners of the 2023 Aggie Shark Tank.  

Garcia is currently pursuing her master’s in business administration with a concentration in finance. She recently won first place in the “Shark Favorite” category with a grand prize of $5,000 and shared her idea for BAClog, a data-driven consumer insights platform for alcohol sales, stemmed from her love of baseball.  

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ICYMI: Heinrich Op-Ed: Commission will deliver for Southern NM

WASHINGTON – In an op-ed published by the Las Cruces Bulletin, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, details his years-long work to fully fund the operations of the Southwest Border Regional Commission.  

The Southwest Border Regional Commission (SBRC) is one of eight authorized federal regional commissions and authorities, which are congressionally-chartered, federal-state partnerships created to promote economic development in their respective regions. 

Last month, Heinrich introduced the Southwest Border Regional Commission Reauthorization Act to reauthorize and fully fund the SBRC, which is working to grow thriving economies in the southern border communities in New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Texas. 

Las Cruces Bulletin: Commission will deliver for Southern New Mexico, 12/29/2023 

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Avangrid Terminates Merger with PNM

Disappointing end to merger and its agreed-upon benefits to customers and communities in New Mexico 
(Albuquerque, NM) – PNM received notice from Avangrid on December 31, 2023, that it was terminating the merger agreement with PNM’s parent company, PNM Resources.  

The companies announced their agreement to merge in October 2020 and presented the benefits of the merger, including customer rate credits, in their request for approval from the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC). Over the course of the regulatory process in 2021, the companies reached agreements with 14 intervening parties representing varying interests for additional customer and community benefits totaling over $300 million to New Mexico in the form of customer rate credits, forgiveness of past-due bills, new job commitments, economic development funds, scholarship and apprenticeship training programs, low-income energy efficiency programs and more. 

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Voting is Now Live for Public to Pick Snowplow Names

SANTA FE - The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) launched their first ever snowplow naming contest and New Mexicans did not disappoint! We received almost 1,600 names! 

It was difficult, but NMDOT Communication staff narrowed the entries down to 50 names from the amazing submissions. NOW it is time for the public to vote on their favorites! Voting is open and will continue through Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024, at noon! To vote, visit the NMDOT website at and click "Name a NMDOT Snowplow” to pick your favorite or visit .  You can vote up to 6 times! 

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