This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.

Caution advised as winter weather increases

Caution advised as winter weather increases cold related illness and safety concerns

SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) reminds residents ongoing winter weather in some parts of the state over the next few days can pose health risks and cold related illnesses. From Oct. 1 to today there have been over 400 cold related emergency department visits statewide and five deaths reported.  

The National Weather Service forecasts in the days ahead blizzard-type conditions as possible in northern areas and higher elevations with snow and blowing snow, and high winds that will drop temperatures statewide.  

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Eastern New Mexico University Celebrates 90 Years of Student Success

Portales, NM – January 4, 2024 – From its humble beginnings as a one-building campus on the high plains of Eastern New Mexico in 1934 to today’s thriving campus as the largest regional comprehensive University in New Mexico, ENMU is proud to celebrate 90 years of student success.

Eastern New Mexico University was officially approved to be located in Portales, New Mexico, by the New Mexico Legislature in 1927. The New Mexico Legislature of 1929 approved the first appropriation for buildings on campus. Although the first building was constructed in 1930, ENMU’s doors were not opened to students until 1934.

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Traffic Report for week of January 7 to 14, 2024.

In all construction zones, motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and use extreme caution, as well as continue to be cautious of heavy equipment and construction personnel in the area. PLEASE NOTE: Conditions are subject to change without notice. Double fines for speeding in work zones may be in effect.

White Sands Missile Range Notification
For information regarding closures, you may call WSMR at 678-1178 or 678-2222 for updates.

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Eagle Nest Lake and Fenton Lake State Parks open to ice fishing

Eagle Nest, NM – Experience the unique sport of ice fishing now at Eagle Nest Lake and Fenton Lake State Parks! The State Parks Division of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) announces that walk-in ice fishing is currently allowed on the lakes. Motorized vehicles are not allowed on the ice.

State Parks officials remind visitors to consider the following safety precautions before going ice fishing:

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Spaceport America Inks MOU with Globally-Recognized Economic Development

Spaceport America Inks MOU with Globally-Recognized Economic Development Engine The Borderplex Alliance

LAS CRUCES, N.M. (Thursday, January 4, 2024) – The Borderplex Alliance and Spaceport America today signed a Memorandum of Understanding, formalizing a new collaboration between the two organizations. This partnership will open up thrilling opportunities to propel the Borderplex region’s economy to new heights.

"We are thrilled about teaming up with Spaceport America," said Jon Barela, CEO of The Borderplex Alliance. "Together, we will initiate new programs that stimulate job creation and capital investment in our region. The commercial space industry is expanding rapidly, and this alliance ensures the Borderplex will be at the forefront of this 21st-century industry."

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Gov. Lujan Grisham releases FY25 executive budget recommendation

 Recommendation continues bold investments while maintaining fiscal responsibility  

Today, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham released the
FY25 executive budget recommendation. The budget totals $10.5 billion in recurring spending, a 9.9% increase from the last fiscal year. The executive recommendation will maintain reserves at 34.2%. The budget directs meaningful investments in key areas including housing, education, child wellbeing, public safety, health care, economic development, and water and natural resources.  

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PRC nixes some customer costs for Four Corners Power Plant

On January 3, the Public Regulation Commission adopted the hearing examiners’ finding that PNM acted imprudently in extending its participation in Four Corners Power Plant beyond 2016. As a result, the commission disallowed roughly $84 million from the amount PNM can recover from customer rates. This comes as part of the Commission’s final order in PNM’s pending rate case.    

PNM had asked the Commission to approve rates that would have included more than $200 million in costs associated with operating the Four Corners coal plant after 2016. Those are costs that PNM incurred after it decided to renew its stake in the coal-fired Four Corners plant beyond 2016, when the prior coal-supply agreement expired. This issue was first litigated in PNM’s 2016 rate case, in which the hearing examiners found the expenditures to be imprudent, but the commission ultimately deferred a decision on prudence until the next rate case and approved a settlement that allowed PNM to recover a reduced amount in rates. 

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Winter Weather Driving Tips for Southern New Mexico

DEMING -The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) will be monitoring roadway conditions with law enforcement as a winter weather advisory have been issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) on Jan. 3, 2024, see attached Situational Awareness Briefing.

The NMDOT has prepared their personnel and equipment in efforts to support the need of law enforcement and emergency responders. The NMDOT will work in conjunction with emergency response as we coordinate our efforts with any possible traffic interferences that we may encounter.

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