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Adriana Garcia is a graduate student entrepreneur and innovator from New Mexico State University's College


Silver City, NM – January 1, 2024 – The Mimbres Region Arts Council presents Chocolate


Partnership with Gila National Forest supports recreational aviation infrastructure.

SILVER CITY, NM, January 2, 2024


Public Information Meeting

Grant County Bridges Project (NM FLAP SR35(1)
Grant County near


Johnny Maldonado, 84, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Friday, December 29,


Penny Leveen, 85, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Sunday, December 31, 2023


PerryNitaNita Mae Waddell Perry, 89, of Virden, New Mexico, peacefully entered into rest on December 13,


The Gila is the birthplace of Wilderness

SILVER CITY, NM, January 2, 2024 – The Gila National


WASHINGTON – In an op-ed published by the Las Cruces Bulletin, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich


Disappointing end to merger and its agreed-upon benefits to customers and communities in New


SimpsonAAmber Lee joined her father, Drew Simpson, grandmother, Alicia V. Ybarra, uncle, Eddie Joe Ybarra and


By Roger Lanse

As a Silver City Police Department officer was on the way to assist another officer with a


His topic will be: "GRMC Going Forward."  He started at GRMC on October 30, 2023, after being


Friends of the Library will be having a book sale-- Next Sale March 9, 2024

See the pdf flyer below:

By Roger Lanse

On Friday, Dec. 22, 2023, Silver City Police Department officers were dispatched at


SANTA FE - The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) launched their first ever snowplow naming


Friday, Dec. 29

Criminal trespass warning
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter


Washington, D.C. - In a recently uncovered newspaper ad from October 1978, then-Senator Joe Biden



BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

Friday, Dec. 29

Welfare check
Ft Bayard Cemetery – 11:59 p.m.
Caller advised beige camper is


Bayard Police Department

Friday, Dec. 29

Reckless driver
Highway 180 – Santa Clara Armory


How will the $100 million terminal upgrades restore passenger traffic to 2007 levels? 

albuquerque airport 360x239Albuquerque


Save the Date!   Come fly a kite at Whitewater Mesa Fun Kite Flying Picnic

12 - 5pm,



"Why doesn't every American understand that If they can do this to a former US President, EVERYONE


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