These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
You are invited to the 73rd National Day of Prayer. Tell your friends about this special event and bring the whole family! - Noon to 1:00 pm
See flyer below
The Mimbres Culture Heritage Site in Mimbres, NM . . . will be collecting items for re-sale for our Annual Yard Sale & Fund Raising event.
May 11 – 12, 2024 Saturday & Sunday 9 am – 3 pm
Please donate clean, working items from your spring cleaning, garage remodel, home office , garden shed, etc.  No clothing.
Drop at 12 Sage Drive, MM# 3.7. On the riverside.       Off highway 35, see the signs.
Drop off on April 27 – 28, Saturday & Sunday 11 am – 3 pm.
And May 4 – 5, Saturday & Sunday 11 am – 3 pm. And May 10, Friday from 11 am – 3 pm.
 Questions . . . call Kathy 307-640-3012 and 575-536-3161.
May 4 and 5, 2024Â 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
See flyer below
Bayard Police Department
Friday, Apr. 19
Unwanted subject
Budge Street
A named female asking for the key to the trailer became irate and said she was on her way/caller doesn't want her there without LE. Officer en route to 500 East Street to pick up a set of keys to return to the owner/keys returned to owner.
North Street
Two adult males about to fight/one has his mom with him/one left the area.
Friday, Apr. 19
Unwanted subject
11072 W. Highway 180 – Hillside Haven
Caller advised his girlfriend is there tearing up the place because she thinks her family is underneath the trailer/she is going through all the rooms talking to herself/she is outside now. Deputy advised all units clear/everything is okay/female advised she would stay in . . .
Criminal trespass warning
Galaz Street – San Lorenzo
Caller advised her brother is trying to plug something into her trailer. Deputy advised negative on warrants/no CTW listed for address/male was issued an indefinite CTW for the property.
Friday, Apr. 19
Unwanted subject
302 N. Bullard Street
A named male is outside causing a commotion. Officer made contact with Frank Gomez by the Visitor Center/Gomez has CTWs for the Visitor Center aa well as 302 Bullard/re-issued CTWs for both locations.
School threat
La Plata Middle School
No report.
April 28, at 10 am, 3845 North Swan Street –  "The El Salvador Project"
 Marion and Jamie Newton will discuss The El Salvador Project and what it means to poor rural families.
Since 1990, under the care of the Palo Alto Friends Meeting (Quakers) in California, The El Salvador Projects has assisted students from poor rural families to complete programs of higher education in teaching, medicine, nursing, physical therapy, law, business administration, agricultural engineering, and other disciplines. Graduates lift their families from poverty, as they enhance the quality of life in their communities and inspire others to pursue their dreams. Meaningful careers with adequate income give these young Salvadorans alternatives to migration toward the United States driven by desperation.
The Alzheimer's Caregivers' Support group will meet on Thursday, April 25, at 5 p.m. at Cross Point Church on Hiwy 180 E. Questions? Call Linda Brake 575-590-1499.
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