This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
Today, the Republican Party of New Mexico wishes all fathers and father figures who have played a vital role in positively influencing and shaping the lives of their children a Happy Father's Day.
Today, we honor fatherhood and acknowledge the deep sacrifices, unwavering courage, profound wisdom, and boundless love that accompany it.
We appreciate and recognize the important role fathers play in making a strong home and community, and we thank all fathers for being the rock that their family can look to for strength, support and guidance.
Thank you to all fathers for all you do.
Mountainair and Mt. Taylor Ranger Districts
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, June 16, 2024 - This will be the final news release on the Mountainair Ranger District Antelope Fire and the Mt. Taylor Ranger District Cottonwood Creek Fire unless conditions warrant additional information.
Mountainair Ranger District: Antelope Fire
Reported Date / Time: June 14, 2024 / 1421
Cause: Lightning
Size: 1.5 acres
Containment: 100%
Mountainair and Mt. Taylor Ranger Districts
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, June 15, 2024 Yesterday fire crews responded to two wildfires on the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands. Today crews have reengaged firefighting operations for full suppression.
Mountainair Ranger District: Antelope Fire
Reported Date / Time: June 14, 2024 / 1421
Cause: Lightning
Size: 1.5 acres
Containment: 0%
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, June 14, 2024 Fire crews have responded to two remote area fires on the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands.
Mountainair Ranger District: Antelope Fire
Reported Date / Time: June 14, 2024 / 1421 Cause: Lightning Size: .5 acres Containment: 0%
On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the red, white, and blue stars and stripes as the United States' first national flag.
Since then, the American flag has been a symbol of freedom and unity not just for Americans, but for the world.
On this Flag Day, raise your U.S. flags high and celebrate that our star-spangled banner still flies over the land of the free and the home of the brave!
In all construction zones, motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and use extreme caution, as well as continue to be cautious of heavy equipment and construction personnel in the area. PLEASE NOTE: Conditions are subject to change without notice. Double fines for speeding in work zones may be in effect.
White Sands Missile Range Notification
For information regarding closures, you may call WSMR at 678-1178 or 678-2222 for updates.
SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is holding two public meetings to discuss the 10-year review and revision of the State Wildlife Action Plan for New Mexico (SWAP). The SWAP revision process was initiated in May 2023 and presented at the State Game Commission meeting on Aug. 25, 2023. The final revision is due to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by Oct. 1, 2025.
The SWAP identifies Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN), their habitats, threats, and conservation actions that can be taken to mitigate these threats and benefit SGCN. Part of the revision process is to review and update the SGCN list to reflect the latest scientific information. The draft SGCN list and slides to be presented during the public meetings will be posted on the Department's website and available for review by June 28, 2024.
ALBUQUERQUE OnFriday, June 14,the New Mexico Early Childhood and Education Department (ECECD) will present its inaugural Early Childhood Healthcare Champions of the Year award to four New Mexico healthcare providers in recognition of their above-and-beyond efforts to promote participation in Home Visiting and Family Infant Toddler (FIT) early intervention programs within the communities they serve. The first-ever recipients of the award were nominated by community members in recognition oftheir outstanding advocacy on behalf of home visiting and early intervention services, which support the health, development, and well-being of children and their families.
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