This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.

Otero County Resident Receives ‘making Democracy Work Award’

Mayla BlanchardLAS CRUCES--- Kayla Blanchard of Alamogordo has been selected for the 2024 Making Democracy Work Award (MDWA) given annually by the League of Women Voters of Southern New Mexico.  Blanchard was presented a Certificate of Recognition and a cash award for $250 at the February 10 meeting of the LWVSNM in Las Cruces, said League Co-President Jo Galván Nash.

Blanchard is the health equity specialist and coordinator for the Otero County Community Health Council (OCCHC) in Alamogordo.  As a healthcare and public health official, she participated in a fellowship program that provided seven months of training in the nonpartisan initiative Vot-ER.

Vot-ER is a national initiative which integrates voter access into healthcare institutions.

“Kayla’s work exemplifies what this award is all about — recognizing individuals who are strengthening democracy in southern New Mexico,” Nash said.  “Her work with the Vot-ER project is engaging others to be active in activities that advance voter registration and participation.”

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Traffic Report for the week of February 18 to 25, 2024

In all construction zones, motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and use extreme caution, as well as continue to be cautious of heavy equipment and construction personnel in the area. PLEASE NOTE: Conditions are subject to change without notice. Double fines for speeding in work zones may be in effect.

White Sands Missile Range Notification

For information regarding closures, you may call WSMR at 678-1178 or 678-2222 for updates.


Date St. Business Loop Roundabout Project, T or C CN1101231/32

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NMSU School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management to host dining events

Students from the school of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management in New Mexico State University’s College of Agricultural, Environmental and Consumer Sciences are getting a taste of real-world experience in the hospitality industry by hosting several food and beverage events this spring.  

The students working these meals and events come from a wide variety of experiential learning classes and student clubs. They are future managers and leaders of all aspects of the hospitality industry.  

“By participating in these meals and events through classes and volunteering, HRTM students gain the hands-on experience in all areas of guest service, production, and event planning that our hospitality industry partners and employers seek,” said Jean Hertzman, director of NMSU’s School of HRTM. “The students value the opportunities to hone their skills and the interaction with their classmates, faculty, and HRTM guests.”  

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Houston-based poet to give public reading at NMSU Feb. 23

As part of the Nelson-Boswell Reading Series, La Sociedad para Las Artes the Department of Art are co-hosting a public reading event for poet Anthony Sutton.

Sutton, Inprint C. Glenn Cambor fellow in the University of Houston Literature and Creative Writing Ph. D. program, is the author of “Particles of a Stranger Light” published by Veliz Books in 2023. He will read from his work at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 23 at New Mexico State University in the Creative Media Institute Theater in Milton Hall, Room 171.

Master of Fine Arts candidate in fiction, Kathy Key-Tello, also will be reading from thesis works. The event is free and open to the public and includes a reception following the reading.

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Heinrich Cosponsors Bipartisan Legislation

Heinrich Cosponsors Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Children Online, Hold Big Tech Accountable 

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Founder and Co-Chair of the Senate Artificial Intelligence Caucus, announced that he is cosponsoring the Kids Online Safety Act, bipartisan legislation to provide kids and parents with better tools to protect themselves online, hold Big Tech accountable, and provide transparency into black box algorithms. The legislation is led by U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and cosponsored by a total of 62 senators.  

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Closure planned for I-10 off ramp and Motel Blvd.

Traffic Alert

LAS CRUCES - The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) District One office will close the I-10 eastbound off ramp (I-10 exit 139/NM 292) and the northbound lanes of Motel Blvd., under I-10 for concrete removal and replacement. 

Starting Monday, February 19, 2024, A-Mountain Construction (Contractor) will begin replacing broken concrete slabs on the eastbound off ramp at Motel Blvd and the northbound lanes of Motel Blvd under I-10. Closures will be in place continuously until Wednesday, February 28, 2024. Traffic is encouraged to seek an alternate route; detour signage will be in place for local traffic. The NMDOT apologies for the inconvenience and appreciates your patience. All closures are subject to change, and weather pending. 

The NMDOT is committed to the safety of the traveling public and thanks you for your cooperation during this work. For updated information go to: New Mexico Department of Transportation at  or call 511. 

Traffic Alert NM 26 Bridge Rehabilitation planned closures

HATCH - The New Mexico Department of Transportation District One office in cooperation with La Calerita LLC (Contractor) will be continuing the bridge rehabilitation project on NM 26 at milepost 47.7 over Interstate 25. 

Starting tomorrow February 16, 2024, the northbound exit at milepost 41 (Hatch) will be closed. Travelers wishing to enter Hatch will need to use the Rincon detour at milepost 35. Traffic exiting Hatch via NM 26 onto northbound Interstate 25 will be allowed. Traffic leaving the transfer station will need to utilize exit 51 (Garfield) back into Hatch. Drivers should be vigilant for construction signing.  

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