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American Energy from A to Z

While Joe Biden, Gov. Lujan Grisham and progressive Democrats try to destroy American oil and gas, we want to share this fun review of American Energy from A- to Z.

A: Airlines that would be grounded, and airports that would be closed, without a replacement for the crude oil that makes the fuels, that politicians want to rid the world of.

B: Billions on this planet that exist because of all the products and various fuels made from crude oil that were not around before the 1800’s.

C: Climate policies that favor wind turbines and solar panels that only generate occasional electricity but CANNOT make any products.

D: Death spiral imposed on the auto industry to only manufacture EVs just for the elites to drive a vehicle. 

E: Elephant in the Room is that the ruling class, powerful elite, and media, avoid energy literacy conversations as the end of crude oil that is manufactured into all the products and transportation fuels that built the world to eight billion, would be the end of civilization as “unreliable electricity” from breezes and sunshine cannot manufacture anything.

F: Fossil fuels manufacture everything for the 8 billion on this planet, i.e., products, and transportation fuels.

G: Give me a Break, as John Stossel often says about the very few parents, teachers, students, politicians, and those in the media, have any clues or understanding about the basis of the products in our daily lives!   

H: Humanity abuses that support “clean energy” and the lack of transparency to the environmental degradation and humanity atrocities occurring in developing countries mining for those exotic minerals and metals to support the “green” movement. 

I: Inventories of unsold EV’s continue to grow.

J: Jumping out of an airplane with a parachute without a plan to identify the replacement for the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil that are the basis of products, travel, and communications for the 8 billion on this planet.

K: Knowledge that renewable energy is only intermittent electricity generated from unreliable breezes and sunshine, as wind turbines and solar panels cannot manufacture anything for the 8 billion on this planet.

L: Life expectancy continues to increase from the products made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil.

M: Materialistic society that we’ve become over the last 200 years, and the world has populated from 1 to 8 billion because of all the products and different fuels for planes, ships, trucks, cars, military, and the space programs that did not exist before the 1800’s.

N: No parts or components can be made from “just electricity” from wind turbines, solar panels, nuclear, and hydro, and for all the mining equipment used to extract the metals and minerals to build clean “electricity” as they are all made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil!

O: Only occasional electricity from wind turbines and solar panels, but no products for humanity.

P: Parts and components for wind turbines, solar panels, nuclear, and hydro, and for all the mining equipment used to extract the metals and minerals to build clean “electricity” are made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil! 

Q: Quality of life that began after the 1800’s with the development of more than 6,000 products made from the oil derivatives manufactured from oil.

R: Ridding the world of crude oil usage, i.e., jumping out of an airplane without a parachute, while there is NO plan to identify the replacement for the oil derivatives that are the basis of everything.

S: Shockingly, very few parents, teachers, students, politicians, and those in the media, have any clues or understanding about the basis of the products in our daily lives!  

T: Truck and automobile components and parts that CANNOT be made by wind turbines or solar panels.

U: Usage of crude oil is NOT for the generation of electricity, but to manufacture derivatives and fuels which are the ingredients of everything needed by economies and lifestyles to exist and prosper, i.e., all products that did not exist pre-1800’s

V: Vehicles that are 100% comprised of parts and components made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil.. 

W: Weather related fatalities have virtually disappeared with all the products and medications available today that are made with oil derivatives from crude oil that were not available a few centuries ago.

X: Xylenes, along with the primary chemicals of ammonia, methanol, ethylene, propylene, benzene, and toluene, all of which are manufactured from crude oil, but cannot be made by wind turbines or solar panels.

Y: Yet the state of California, the 4th largest economy in the world, but with only 0.5% of the world’s population believes it can change the world environment at the expense of those living in the State.

Z: Zero products being made from wind turbines and solar panels.

Copyright (C) 2024 Republican Party of New Mexico. All rights reserved.

NMSU’s Chile Pepper Institute to host annual New Mexico Chile Conference

For the 42nd year, New Mexico State University’s Extension Plant Sciences Department and the Chile Pepper Institute is set to host its annual New Mexico Chile Conference.

The conference will take place Feb. 5 and 6 at the Las Cruces Convention Center. A welcome reception will kick off the event from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 5, with keynote speaker Rich Pratt, director of semi-arid cropping research innovation program at NMSU. Pratt will present “From Mild to Wild and Back Again: Genetic Diversity, Crop Improvement Strategies, and our Shared Cultural Heritage with Chile.” Registration will continue the following day at 7:30 a.m., with morning and afternoon sessions planned.

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Supreme Court reinstates defendant’s conviction

Supreme Court reinstates defendant’s conviction for 2017 killing in southwestern New Mexico

SANTA FE – The state Supreme Court today reinstated a man’s second-degree murder conviction for the death of a Florida woman who was driving him to Mexico to live with a family member.

In a unanimous opinion, the Court reversed a decision of the state Court of Appeals, which had vacated the murder conviction of Isaias Lobato-Rodriguez and ordered a new trial because of a prosecutor’s statement about the defendant invoking his right to remain silent after being arrested.

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Children, Youth and Families Department announces successful rapid hire

ROSWELL, NM – The Child Protective Services Division filled eight of 11 available positions during a rapid hire event at the Roswell office on Thursday.

The open positions included investigation case workers, placement caseworkers, permanent placement caseworkers, HIS practitioners, and senior and supervisor roles.

“To make CYFD successful, we need dedicated employees, and we are ready to welcome these new hires soon,” said New Mexico Department of Children, Youth and Families Department Secretary Designate Teresa Casados. “I know adding staff quickly is critical to getting children the care and services they deserve. These rapid hires allow us to use cross-agency collaboration and remove the burden of hiring from managers to speed up the process to fill these vital positions.”

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10 Counties Recognized for Audit Accountability

FY2022 Audit and Accountability Awards to Counties

SANTA FE, NM – New Mexico Counties and the Office of the State Auditor selected Chaves, Curry, Doña Ana, Eddy, Lea, Los Alamos, McKinley, Roosevelt, and Sandoval Counties as recipients for the annual Audit and Accountability Awards and San Juan County for continued excellence. The awards were presented at the NMC 2024 Legislative Conference Thursday, January 18, 2024. The awards are given in recognition to large, mid-size, and small counties for outstanding work on their audits, submitting timely audits, and sustaining excellence with the highest audit opinions. An unmodified opinion is the best opinion that can be given and means that the financial statements are presented fairly by following generally accepted accounting principles.

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NMC Recognizes Two Counties for Misdemeanor Compliance

Curry County Receives Adult Misdemeanor Compliance Program Accreditation

SANTA FE, NM – The Adult Misdemeanor Compliance Accreditation Professional Standards Council awarded Curry County its first three-year accreditation certificate for the Misdemeanor Compliance Program. New Mexico Counties recognized Curry County during the New Mexico Counties 2024 Legislative Conference on January 18, 2024, in Santa Fe, NM.

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NMSU to participate in joint crisis management exercises Jan. 23 and 25

The New Mexico State University Police and Fire Departments will participate in multi-agency hazardous materials crisis management exercises on Tuesday, Jan. 23 and Thursday, Jan. 25, at two locations on the Las Cruces Campus: Cole Village student housing and the Fulton Center.

To avoid any confusion during the exercise, NMSU is notifying the public and campus community ahead of time. The all-day exercises are closed to the general public.

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NMED issues Request for Information to develop Strategic Water Supply

SANTA FE — Following Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s announcement at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai and as highlighted in the 2024 State of the State Address delivered earlier this week, the New Mexico Environment Department today released a Request for Information (RFI) related the strategic water supply.

“To meet the demands of communities now and in the future, to sustain our economic growth, and to meet this moment with a first-of-its-kind solution, the Strategic Water Supply will build a secure, resilient water future for our state,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. “The Strategic Water Supply will preserve our freshwater and spur the private sector to turn an untapped resource into water that we can use without asking taxpayers to front the cost.”

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