This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.

Join the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish at the 2024 Outdoor Adventures Hunting & Fishing Show

OAS 2024 Banner

High Five

ALBUQUERQUE – The annual New Mexico Outdoor Adventures Hunting & Fishing Show opens at noon Friday, Feb. 16, and continues through Sunday, Feb. 18, in the Manuel Lujan Building at Expo New Mexico, located on the state fairgrounds in Albuquerque. This event is hosted by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF).

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NMSU API Program aims to increase student reach with spring activities

The Asian and Pacific Islander Program at New Mexico State University hopes to build on its success from last year and reach more students in 2024.

Established in 2023, the API Program serves and supports Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities across NMSU. In its first year, the program served more than 800 students through a series of events, activities and meetings.

“The success of the Asian and Pacific Islander Program at NMSU in its initial year has been astounding,” said Sophia Sangwanthong, director of the API Program. “We have served hundreds of students, had amazing success with events like Roshni and Lunar New Year, and have evidenced the need for not only API/AAPI student visibility and representation, but education and programming for the NMSU campus related to Asian culture.”

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New Mexico Arts Newsletter - February 2024

Meet the 2024 New Mexico Arts' Artists-in-Residence at the Lincoln Historic Site.

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NM State Police celebrates significant safety achievements in 2023

More arrests and less use of force incidents 

The New Mexico State Police (NMSP) released 2023 data today highlighting remarkable public safety achievements and community involvement in 2023. The data illustrates notable improvements in several key areas, including more DWI traffic stops and arrests, and fewer incidents involving use of force and pursuits. This data clearly demonstrates NMSP’s unwavering commitment to public safety and transparency.  

“I commend the New Mexico State Police for their work in protecting and serving the people of our great state,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. “Every day, their work makes New Mexico streets and communities safer.” 

Among the top datapoints are:  

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First Route 66 Centennial stakeholder meeting scheduled

tucumcariFirst Route 66 Centennial stakeholder meeting scheduled for February 29

SANTA FE, NM – On Thursday, February 29, 2024, the Route 66 Centennial Coordination Group will host its first stakeholder meeting in Tucumcari to begin the process of acquiring input and ideas from the public to consider for the state’s Route 66 Centennial strategy.

The meeting is scheduled for 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at the Tucumcari Convention Center, located at 1500 U.S. Rt. 66, Tucumcari, NM 88401. Members of the public will have the opportunity at this meeting to share their perspective and ideas related to New Mexico’s preparations to celebrate the U.S. Route 66 Centennial.

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NM MainStreet Designates Lordsburg and San Pedro

LordsburgMSFrom left: Emily Gojkovich, Daniel Gutierrez, Roxann Randall, Glenda Greene, Marsha Hill, and Eduardo Martinez.New Mexico MainStreet Designates Lordsburg and Revitalize San Pedro Partnership as New Accelerator Programs 

Two NM Communities Closer to Achieving Main Street America Affiliation

Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) welcomed Lordsburg Economic Advancement Project (LEAP) and Revitalize San Pedro Partnership (ABQ) as new Accelerator programs, a pathway for communities to achieve Main Street America affiliation. Both programs previously participated in NMMS’s project-based initiatives, the Frontier & Native American Communities and Urban Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Initiatives respectively, to complete economic development projects and build organizational capacity. As an Accelerator, both programs will work on achieving NMMS Accelerator benchmarks during a 12-18-month timeframe. NMMS will provide guidance and technical assistance throughout the Accelerator process to move the programs toward Main Street America affiliation. 

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Senate confirms Teresa Casados as secretary of CYFD

Bipartisan support shows willingness from lawmakers to work with newly named secretary 

SANTA FE – Today, the New Mexico Senate confirmed Teresa Casados as the Cabinet Secretary for the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department with a vote of (32-8).  

“This is an agency and a system that needs a leader who can get things done,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. “Secretary Casados is the right person for this job, and I thank the Legislature for recognizing that. We are already seeing meaningful changes at the Department, and that momentum will continue under Secretary Casados – New Mexico children and families deserve no less.”   

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Don’t get burned buying firewood this winter

State law requires firewood to be advertised and sold by the cord or fraction of a cord

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LAS CRUCES, N.M. – If you plan to buy firewood this year, know what to avoid in order to get your money’s worth.

The New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) Standards and Consumer Services Division enforces the state’s Weights and Measures Law, which includes how firewood must be advertised and sold in order to maintain fairness in the marketplace.

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