This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.

NMSU to commemorate Black History Month with special events

New Mexico State University’s Black Programs and the Black Student Association invite Aggies and community members from all backgrounds to join in a monthlong celebration of Black History Month 2024.

“In my first year of directing this historical program, I am enthusiastic that we are able to promote creativity, scholarship and innovation for this month as part of our African/African American/Black culture,” said Cecil Rose, director of Black Programs. “In this amazing month for NMSU and the city of Las Cruces, I am looking forward to celebrating and participating with our community in celebrating African/African American/Black culture as part of Black History Month 2024.”

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NM Association Of Realtors Housing Trends December 2023

The median sold price of homes increased by 6.33% compared to this time last year. “Low housing inventory remains a key challenge for potential homebuyers. However, with more favorable interest rates on the horizon, homebuyers who faced affordability obstacles in the past year should be able to look to forward to a more optimistic outlook in 2024,” said NMAR President Coleen Dearing.

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Reproductive Freedom Alliance protect access to reproductive healthcare, abortion medication

Reproductive Freedom Alliance files brief to protect access to reproductive healthcare, abortion medication 

SANTA FE – Today, the Reproductive Freedom Alliance filed an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court in the case of Food and Drug Administration, et al., v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, arguing that, if the Court allows a recent Fifth Circuit decision to stand, it could undermine Governors’ ability to provide adequate healthcare services and would have far-reaching implications beyond reproductive healthcare. 

“New Mexico has seen the impact of the Dobbs decision directly and has stepped up to provide reproductive health care for thousands of women who have lost access to services,” said Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, one of 22 governors in the Alliance. “Millions more will lose access if this decision is allowed to stand. We cannot and will not allow that to happen.” 

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National Geographic names Route 66 through New Mexico

tucumcariblueNational Geographic names Route 66 through New Mexico as one of top travel experiences for 2024

WASHINGTON – National Geographic today unveiled its selections for Best of the World 2024, which included a road trip along Route 66 through New Mexico as one of the top 20 travel experiences in the world for 2024.

National Geographic identifies a variety of accommodations, experiences and points of interest in destinations throughout New Mexico, such as historic hotels in Tucumcari, Petroglyph National Monument in Albuquerque and Native and Indigenous performances in Gallup.

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NMSU’s nurse anesthesiology program earns national accreditation

A new graduate program at New Mexico State University that trains nurses for careers as certified registered nurse anesthetists is now fully accredited. 

The three-year program in the NMSU School of Nursing earned accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs in January, following an extensive review. The endorsement means NMSU now houses the only accredited program in New Mexico offering a Doctor of Nursing Practice in nurse anesthesiology.

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Award-winning poet to give public reading at NMSU Feb. 2

As part of the Nelson-Boswell Reading Series, La Sociedad para Las Artes and the Department of Art are co-hosting hosting a public reading event for award-winning poet CM Burroughs.

Burroughs, associate professor of poetry at Columbia College Chicago, is the author of two collections published by Tupelo Press: “The Vital System” in 2012, and “Master Suffering” in 2020. She will read from her work at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2 at New Mexico State University in the Creative Media Institute Theater in Milton Hall, Room 171.

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Governor announces 50-year water action plan

SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan unveiled a water action plan at the State Capitol Tuesday with the goal of ensuring New Mexicans will have access to clean water for the next five decades.  

As one of the driest states in the west, New Mexico is no stranger to drought. Almost three-fourths of the state is currently experiencing severe to exceptional drought conditions. In 50 years, water experts predict the state will have 25 percent less water to use. Without decisive action, New Mexicans would have to dramatically adjust their way of life to adjust to a bleak water reality. 

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SBDC NM to hold cybersecurity webinar 020224

SBDC NM to hold cybersecurity awareness and resources webinar.

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