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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
The Las Cruces International Film Festival is kicking off its opening night with showings of New Mexico film "Little Brother," directed by Korean American writer and director Sheridan O'Donnell.
The ninth annual LCIFF is supported by New Mexico State University and Visit Las Cruces.
Since its release in 2023, "Little Brother" has received several award nominations. The film won honors for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor at the Next Generation Indie Film Awards.
Four showings of the film are scheduled at 6:30, 6:45, 7 and 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 3 at the Allen Theatre Cineport 10 at 700 S. Telshor Boulevard.
Letter at end
DEMING, NM — State Representative Jenifer Jones (R-Deming) today requested Congressman Gabe Vasquez's (D-NM-2) assistance in obtaining additional federal funding for more staff at the Columbus, New Mexico border crossing.  This additional funding and staff are needed to allow the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to expand the number of hours of operation to process commercial traffic at this southern border site.  Currently, the Columbus border crossing is open 24 hours per day, but the processing of commercial traffic is only provided from 8 am – 5 pm every day. The request for additional funding for new staff would permit CBP to extend the processing of commercial traffic by three hours per day.Â
MARCH 22 -Â Today, the Republican Party of New Mexico released the following statement calling on Martin Heinrich to apologize to New Mexico families for refusing to address the source of the rising fentanyl crisis in the United States: his open border, soft-on-crime policies.Â
"Martin Heinrich's policies made the fentanyl crisis worse," said RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce. "Pushing for an open border, allowing millions to enter our country illegally has allowed for human trafficking and drug trafficking to run rampant. Heinrich should apologize to New Mexicans who have suffered from an open border, rising crime, and the drugs being trafficked into our state."Â
SANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish will review its State List of Threatened and Endangered Wildlife Species under the Wildlife Conservation Act (Section 17-2-40 NMSA 1978). Public comments on the current Biennial Review document will be accepted during a 90-day review from March 25, 2024 through June 24, 2024.
The Biennial Review process determines whether a State-listed wildlife species will be "uplisted" from threatened to endangered, "downlisted" from endangered to threatened, or remain unchanged from the current Biennial Review determinations. Adding or removing species from the State List is a separate process.
Latest Census of Agriculture data now availableÂ
Haga clic aquà para español.
LAS CRUCES, N.M. – The latest Census of Agriculture reflects the diversity of New Mexico's agriculture industry, showing that the Land of Enchantment ranks among the top states in the country for the production of pecans, chile peppers, milk, cheese and onions. Data sets from the 2022 Census of Agriculture were released Feb. 13 by the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).
The following highlights from the 2022 census reflect increases in the size and diversity of New Mexico agriculture since 2017:Â Â Â
Stephen Markham grew up in Las Cruces, but his journey to become an astronomer took him from Cornell University to Cal Tech and then to a postdoctoral position in France before returning home to accept a position at New Mexico State University as the Tombaugh Scholar.
"Steve Markham's research on the interiors and deep atmospheres of the giant planets adds an exciting dimension to the previous and ongoing studies of atmospheric phenomena at the giant planet cloud tops that have been done in the NMSU astronomy department," said Nancy Chanover, astronomy professor and principal investigator of NASA's Planetary Data System Atmospheres Discipline Node, which archives all data from planetary spacecraft missions. "Steve's involvement in the planning for a future mission to Uranus also demonstrates our continued interest in giant planet exploration."
Heinrich, Casey Introduce Legislation to Address Health Care Workforce Shortage in New Mexico, ExpandPathways to Health Careers Â
WASHINGTON — U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Bob Casey (D-Pa.) today introduced the Providing Resources and Opportunities for Health Education and Learning (PRO-HEAL) Act, legislation that would tackle the health care provider shortage in New Mexico and nationwide by expanding pathways to high quality, in-demand health care careers that medical professionals can access in their communities. Â
Warmer temperatures have made this activity unsafe
Santa Fe, NM –The State Parks Division of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department announces that, effective immediately, ice fishing and any other related activities are closed at Eagle Nest State Park.
State Parks is instituting this closure because warming temperatures have reduced the thickness of the ice to the point that it is no longer safe for the public to access the lake surfaces. For more information, call 575-377-1594 or visit www.emnrd.nm.gov/spd
Ready for warmer weather? Reserve your camping space up to six months in advance at any of your 35 New Mexico State Parks through reserveamerica.com!
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