This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.

NMSU announces five finalists in presidential search

Following a national search, the New Mexico State University Board of Regents has announced five finalists for the university’s next president.

In a special meeting Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, the board revealed the names of the finalists, who were selected from a nationwide pool of candidates with the assistance of search firm WittKieffer and an internal presidential search committee led by retired NMSU Senior Vice President Ben Woods.

The finalists are:•

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Rural Partners Network 2024 Community Forum

Rural Partners Network 2024 Community Forum – “Voices of the Community, Voces de la Comunidad” to be held on March 12, 2024, at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The purpose for the Forum is to have an exchange of information between local leaders and various Federal agency representatives on three topics: Infrastructure and Capacity Building, Transportation and Childcare that have been identified as the most challenging in our local rural communities. Members of the community that consist of local government leaders and non-profit organizations will express in detail the issues related to these topics. Federal agency representatives will have an opportunity to provide information on programs, resources, funding opportunities, technical assistance and possible solutions that address the challenges from each topic and is sure to be a dynamic discussion with hopes of future connections with all that attend.  Networking opportunities will be provided throughout the day.

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Traffic Report for week of February 4 to 11, 2024

In all construction zones, motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and use extreme caution, as well as continue to be cautious of heavy equipment and construction personnel in the area. PLEASE NOTE: Conditions are subject to change without notice. Double fines for speeding in work zones may be in effect.

White Sands Missile Range Notification

For information regarding closures, you may call WSMR at 678-1178 or 678-2222 for updates.


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State Police Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols

State Police Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols in Counties across the State in February 2024

Statewide, NM - State Police will be conducting sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols; and registration, insurance, and driver's license checkpoints in all New Mexico counties during February 2024.

We are bringing awareness to these events to reduce impaired driving-related fatalities through continued media attention and intensive advertising.

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State welcomes Hotshot Crew Leaders

State Forestry recruiting for these elite wildland firefighting units

SANTA FE – The Energy Minerals and Natural Resources Department’s Forestry Division is pleased to welcome two new superintendents, Candice Kutrosky and Christopher Moore, who will lead the Eagle Peak and Pecos River hotshot wildfire crews. Based in Socorro and Las Vegas, respectively, these seasoned, dynamic crew leaders will bring a wealth of experience as they supervise the formation of New Mexico’s first-ever, full-time wildfire response crews.

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NMSU Global unveils Apple Vision Pro microlearning courses

With spatial computing revolutionizing our interaction with technology, New Mexico State University’s Global Campus is introducing two innovative microlearning courses that leverage the excitement surrounding the debut of the Apple Vision Pro.

The courses, spatial computing and Designing the Future: Instructional Design in the Metaverse, use Apple's latest spatial computing device, which promises to transform the way we work, learn and play. The device debuts today.

“Spatial computing is not just about understanding technology; it's about crafting stories that resonate in a virtual space,” said Cortney Harding, who teaches the spatial computing course. “Our course is designed to empower students to create experiences that are not just seen or heard, but deeply felt. This is where storytelling meets innovation, and I'm excited to guide our learners through this incredible journey.”

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NM Man Pleads Guilty to Shooting Spree Targeting Elected Officials

WASHINGTON – A New Mexico man pleaded guilty yesterday to his role in shootings that targeted the residences of elected officials following the 2022 election.

According to court documents, following Solomon Peña's electoral defeat in November 2022 for a seat in the New Mexico House of Representatives, Demetrio Trujillo, 42, of Albuquerque, along with his son, Jose Trujillo, were recruited by Peña to engage in a series of targeted shootings of residences belonging to elected officials. Peña allegedly pressured members of the Bernalillo County Board of Commissioners to refuse to certify the results of the election, but despite Peña's alleged pressure, the commissioners certified the results of the election. In response, in his plea agreement, Demetrio Trujillo admitted that Peña paid him to drive to the home of an election official on Dec. 4, 2022, and fire a gun at the residence. Peña then paid Demetrio Trujillo to carry out a shooting at the residence of an elected state official who ran for and won reelection in 2022, which Trujillo did on Dec. 8, 2022. Then, on Jan. 3, 2023, Trujillo, along with his son and Peña, carried out a shooting at the residence of a second elected state official. The victims' residences were targeted because the individuals were election officials and/or former candidates for elective office.

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