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SW Women's Fiber Arts Collective Demonstration

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Sunday, May 30, 2021, 10:00am - 12:00pm

On Sunday May 30, 2021 from 10 am to 12 pm Jean Hill will weave on the table loom while Susan Porter put finishing touches on handwovens.

Jean Hill started crocheting as a child with her grandmother's help. She learned knitting from ladies at a Denver yarn shop during middle school. By high school she was sewing her own clothes with her mom's help. Jean “dabbled” in other fiber techniques through a local guild, and took her first weaving course in 1999 from WNMU. Since then she's been primarily weaving, with the addition of learning to dye yarn and fabric through classes put on by local guild and SWFAC.

She has been enrolled at WNMU in self-guided weaving studies for six semesters, although due to COVID she'd continued studies at home since March, 2020, using her two floor looms and nice stash of yarns. Jean belongs to an informal weaver's study group in Silver City, which provides inspiration and sometimes group projects on particular weave structures or color theory. She has enjoyed taking online “weave along”classes on exploring color, overshot, and currently “stash-busting” since in-person classes have been scarce.

Jean joined SWFAC in 2005 when it was just beginning, and did volunteer work in The Common Thread gallery on Broadway.. She's served in several Board positions, as head of workshops and classes, helped coordinate Fiber Art Festivals and various sale events including pop-up galleries since SWFAC's retail store closed in 2016. Jean is currently treasurer for SWFAC.

After graduating from college Susan H. Porter studied photography and design at the Corcoran College of Art and Design in Washington, D.C., but fiber has always been her first love. She is passionate about color and often dye my yarns. The result is a unique blend of colors that can't be repeated, making her hand-dyed pieces one of a kind. She especially loves that fiber allows us to create functional art: beauty that can be used and worn as well as admired.

The exhibit would not have been possible without the community minded owners of the building, Marsha Sue Lustig and John Eder who have generously donated the space. Lustig and Eder reached out to Silver City MainStreet to see how the space could be used. A Pop-up gallery space was suggested and now the former retail space is being used to benefit the community. 

Due to COVID-19, there will be no in-person contact, however, this is a wonderful opportunity to see first-hand the creativity that is still thriving in Silver City and support our local fiber artists. The exhibit can be viewed through the expansive windows.

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