These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Gila/Mimbres Community Radio / KURU 89.1 FM (
December 21, 2024
Visit the station, 10-4, Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024, at 519-B North Bullard Street, Silver City, NM. Enjoy light refreshments, meet Board members and on-air DJs and Program Hosts, and support community radio!
MATCH YOUR DONATION!!! The New Mexico Local News Fund will match all December donations, dollar for dollar, up to $7,500!!! This is a great time to donate to keep GMCR/KURU flourishing! AND through December 21, donations will be double-matched while challenge grants from generous listeners last.
Bayard Police Department
Monday, Dec. 9
Domestic disturbance
Blackhawk Street
Caller received a call from her son who said his girlfriend is hitting him/they have their 18-month-old baby with them. Officer requesting another unit.
1101 Tom Foy Blvd.
Male was threatening employees because they would not sell to him because he did not have an ID/he is no longer there at the store.
Monday, Dec. 9
Highway 61 – Royal John Mine Road
The mailbox cluster was stolen/will meet deputy at home.
Caller advising her sister told her a family went to her house last night accusing caller's son who is possibly a felon of stealing a gun out of a vehicle/is wanting whoever went on her property last night issued a CTW. Deputy attempted to call both numbers multiple times with negative contact.
Monday, Dec. 9
Unwanted subject
Pinos Altos Road and Newsham Street
Officer - was flagged down by the owner of Oakridge Trailers ref a homeless person camping in the creek.
Unwanted subject
1400 Pinos Altos Road
Caller from Oakridge Homes – lady homesteading on the property/is there now/caller wants her removed. Officer issued Sarah Flurry a CTW and she is now removing her belongings.
"Call is hereby made for the 2025 Biennial Organizational Convention of the Republican Party of Grant County to be held Saturday January 4 at 5:00 PM at Cross Point Church, 11600 Highway 180 East, Silver City, NM 88061.
The purpose of this convention is to elect a new County Central Committee which includes the Executive Committee (Chair, First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer), Ward officers (13), State Central Committee members (6); and any other proper business."
Santa Fe, December 12, 2024 - In a fitting end to the 100-year anniversary of the Gila
Wilderness, the New Mexico Land Conservancy recently protected 1,260 acres along the San
Francisco River near Alma—a landscape surrounded by the Gila National Forest.
Conservation of the L Bar H Ranch contributes to an interconnected system of protected
lands known as the "Greater Gila Ecoregion"—a concept pioneered by visionary
conservationist Aldo Leopold during his time in New Mexico.
Silver City -- The Silver City Museum's latest exhibit, "Healers and Heroines: Women and the Shaping of Local Health Care," opens Saturday, December 14, in the museum's Dodge Gallery, and is scheduled to run through 2025.
The exhibit examines the questions, "What is health, what is health care, and how do we take care of each other?" The exhibit also explores the vital role that women have played throughout the history of health care in Grant County, and is largely based on the research of local historian Heather Moorland, PhD, and complemented by the research of Javier Marrufo, museum curator. For example, the exhibit includes the women's sewing circle that, in 1882, gave rise to the idea of a local hospital to "provide some sort of shelter, care, and treatment for the aged and sick prospectors and miners," a quote from local business woman and community leader, Elizabeth Warren.
GRIP released the following remarks: "Coordinated by Gila Resources Information Project, the Southwest New Mexico Community Forestry Project aims to plant trees and provide technical support to community partners in southwest New Mexico to ensure that our trees are cared for like the valuable resources we know them to be. We are working in Silver City, Santa Clara, Hurley, Bayard, Deming and Lordsburg over the next five years to grow each community's tree canopy by providing planning, logistics, and planting assistance to improve the health of our community trees.
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