These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Seeking Administratively Determined workers to support fire cache, tanker base, and dispatch
SILVER CITY, NM, Dec. 3, 2024 – The Gila National Forest will host a recruitment event to identify workers who would provide as-needed support to the Silver City Fire Cache, Gila Aerial Tanker Base, and Silver City Dispatch Center. The recruitment event will take place on Tuesday, December 17 at 5:00 p.m. at the Grant County Conference Center, located at 3031 U.S. Highway 180 in Silver City.
"Administratively Determined – or AD – workers are a staple of the Forest Service's extended firefighting and fire support workforce," said Gila National Forest Fire, Fuels, and Aviation Staff Officer Marcus Cornwell. "It's a great way for job seekers to gain work experience for future job applications while helping the forest fill short-term needs in its organization."
December 24
The Aramaic Lord's Prayer
Movement and chants of the prayer of Jesus in his original language. No experience necessary; chants and movements taught. Live music.
Church of Harmony/ 609 Arizona St. / Silver City
Tri-City police department blotters – Nov. 29 through Dec. 1, 2024
Bayard Police Department
Lusk Street
Can hear people fighting. Deputies advise negative on fight or anything else going on/everything is okay/all units clear.
Saturday, Nov. 30
Friday, Nov. 29
Unwanted subject
Mathers Road – Arenas Valley – 10:06 a.m.
26-year-old male is drunk and causing problems/he is currently locked out of the house but is trying to get in/he is the son of the homeowners. Deputies spoke with (redacted) who stated the male was attempting to commit self-harm with a knife to his neck/deputy observed what appeared to be cuts to . . .
Suicide threat
Mathers Road – Arenas Valley -- 2:40 p.m.
No report.
Monday, Nov. 25
Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street -- Seasonal Overnight Shelter – 6:20 a.m.
A named female is by a named male's truck screaming she is going to kill someone. Officer issued Brenda Callahan a CTW for SOS set to expire at 3 p.m.
Suspicious vehicle
3110 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a white Astro van with California plates was not there last night/wants it removed. Officers had contact with male and vehicle, and open door/contact with owner/male left.
November 8, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"
"The Five People You Meet In Heavan" is a best-selling fantasy novel by Mitch Albom that attempts to answer the basic questions as to the meaning of life. Unitarian Universalist member Heidi Ogas, will read a summary of the story of Eddie, a man who believes his life was unfulfilling until his death brings him answers to key events in his life that shaped the man he became.
An open discussion of what life's meaning may be to us and what our concepts of heaven may or may not be, will follow. It is not necessary to have read the book to join or participate in the service.
A longtime resident of Silver City, Heidi Ogas, is the stepdaughter of Unitarian Minister Joseph S. Willis. She often shares some of his sermons and writings with the UUFSC. Ogas is also involved in animal rescue with the High Desert Humane Society and has been volunteering at animal shelters since she was a teenager in Albuquerque.
Bayard Police Department
Monday, Nov. 25
Accident-property damage
Bayard Post Office
Hit a deer in front of Bayard Post Office/deer got up and ran away.
Tuesday, Nov. 26
Welfare check
Orchard Street
No report.
Monday, Nov. 25
Unattended death
Highway 15 – Gila Hot Springs
Caller was here a couple of weeks ago visiting a 75-year-old friend and she hasn't heard from him since/he lives alone/is concerned about his age and doing things on his own. Deputy advised to send OMI. OMI en route/driving time from T or C.
Vehicle burglary
Fierro Road – Fierro
Computers, cords, and memory sticks/happened around the end of October. Deputy calling caller.
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