These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
LAS CRUCES, N.M. — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Las Cruces District invites Pinos Altos residents to come out and be informed of the ongoing and future herbicidal treatment actions as part of a vegetative treatment program to reduce the amount and continuity of burnable vegetation surrounding the Pinos Altos area. Â
Vegetative management practices to reduce fire hazards include burning, thinning, pruning, chipping, spraying and mechanically removing vegetation. They are most effective when multiple strategies are combined to disrupt the potential for a wildfire to spread and intensify.Â
Bayard Police Department
Friday, May 31
Welfare check
N. Franey Street
Advised several children were on the property and stated a named subject was on the property and stated he pulled off his hoodie/unknown if he is still there.
Domestic disturbance
N. Railroad Street
Ran four driver's licenses.
Friday, May 31
Suspicious vehicle
Little Walnut Road
Caller advised a male in a grey small 2dr sedan drove up and said he was looking for a female who was walking around the area asking for help. Second caller advised at the corner of Tanglewood and Little Walnut a female looks like she was hit by a vehicle/is going to check if she is breathing.
Saturday, June 1
Accident-property damage
Highway 35 and Mimbres Cactus Drive
Vehicle vs deer/deer and vehicle are off the side of the road.
It's JUNE!!! The busiest month of the year for the Extension Office! We hope to see you at our upcoming programs and activities.Â
See pdf flyer below
Friday, May 31, 2024
Unwanted subject
3033 E. Highway 180
Advised a male is asleep in front of the building/advised she just wants him to leave the area/he was supposed to get on the bus to Deming yesterday and still hasn't. Officer out with Prentiss Johnson/clear locally.
Criminal trespass warning
316 N. Bullard Street
Advised a named male needs a CTW placed on him/male is not here now. Officer advised caller declined the CTW/ill call if subject returns to the location.
Friday June 21, 2024 - 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM
The Summer Solstice is a time of completion and celebration. It reminds us to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve!
Let's get together and weave our sounds with the intentions of Harmony, Acceptance, Unity, Joy, Compassion, Love and Appreciation for all beings in the planet. May peace prevail!
Bring a chair, a friend, crystal bowls, rattles, drums, didgeridoos or other instruments to also celebrate Make Music Day.
.Gough Park Pope St. Silver City, NM - Contact: Beatriz Giraldo at
June 9, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street –
 John Bush will do a presentation on the importance and value of diversity. As Vice-President of
Software Development, Bush is a senior leader in a large technology company that places a
priority on diversity, equity, and inclusion. With many years of experience in the subject, he will discuss the meaning of diversity, equity and inclusion, why they are important, and the value they bring to organizations and communities.
Saturday,July 27, 10am-4pm and Sunday, July 28, 10am-2pm
The Clay Market is an integral part of Silver City's annual Clay Festival. This two day market will include local and visiting Southwest clay artists selling a variety of functional and sculptural work. This year's market will be held in the ballroom of the Murray Hotel, 200 W. Broadway St., Silver City. Live music and food available. Entrance is free.
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