These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Silver City, NM, May 28, 2024—Levi Phillips and Asher Gibson, the newest board members for PFLAG Silver City, will be the guest speakers at the regular meeting on Tuesday, June 4th, 6:00 PM, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 3845 N. Swan. The public is invited, and light refreshments will be served.
Both Phillips and Gibson are students at Western New Mexico University, and they joined the PFLAG Silver City board of directors this spring.
Bayard Police Department
Friday, May 24
801 Tom Foy Blvd.
A disgruntled employee just threatened to harm caller and her vehicle. Officer out at an Orchard Street address and issued (redacted) an indefinite CTW to Bayard Chevron.
Unwanted subject
Zocalo – Arenas Valley
Stated two males causing issues. Deputy advised clear/they left prior to arrival.
Saturday, May 25
Friday, May 24
Welfare check
11072 W. Highway 180 – Hillside Haven
C7 – two 7 or 8-year-old girls are inside this mobile home alone/this is not the first time this has happened.
Weapons fired
N. Coleman Drive
Caller advised subject at this location is outside shooting his gun/about 20 shots. Deputy had contact with (redacted)/male stated he was throwing off firecrackers/everything is okay.
June 2 at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "Silver City Food Co-op"
 Kevin Waters, General Manager of the Silver City Food Co-op, will talk about about the Co-op's progress and expectations on their move to a new location at 907 Pope Street.
 "The Silver City Food Co-op is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The Co-op has been providing Grant County with a growing selection of organic, sustainable, and ethically sourced groceries at their current storefront of 520 Bullard Street for nearly 40 years. Adjusted for inflation, the Co-op now sells nearly 8 times annually what they did in their first year at the location. Their upcoming move will provide an improved customer experience, and allow for future growth," Waters said.
 Waters said that the Silver City Co-op is a cooperatively owned business, now with over 1,900 member owners. It is led by a board of directors made up of volunteer member owners.
Bayard Police Department
Monday, May 20
Criminal trespass
S. Yucca Street
Advised that a named male is outside. Officers advised male left prior to arrival/will ATL/out with male at Bayard Park/male dropped off at SOS.
Tuesday, May 21
Monday, May 20
Unattended death
Highway 15 – Pinos Altos
Caller advised his 61-year-old brother has been sick for years and now passed away. Deputy call out OMI.
Lobo Drive – Cliff
Walk-in advised daughter has been taking money from his account.
2069 Cottage San Road – Silver Star
Check for $1400 was stolen and cashed/unknown who took it.
Monday, May 20
Unwanted subject
111 S. Texas Street
A named male is refusing to leave/not causing problems/just left on a bike. Caller advised to cancel LE/will call if he returns.
Unwanted subject
2711 Leslie Road – Lintero Apartments
Three named males are outside the apartment pounding on the door. Officers spoke to female who advised the three already took off.
SILVER CITY, NM, May 23, 2024 – The Silver City Ranger District in the Gila National Forest has issued an area closure along the eastern portion of the Wagon Wheel Loop Trail (National Forest System Trail 701) located in the Gomez Peak Trail system to allow for maintenance of infrastructure associated with the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) power line.
"We appreciate the public's understanding at this time, especially with the Memorial Day weekend and everyone's plan to enjoy the outdoors," said District Ranger Elizabeth Toney. "The purpose of this closure is to ensure public health and safety while PNM completes their work."
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