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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District
Meeting Agenda
July 12th, 2024, 10:00 AM (DST)
Fire Training Center, Reserve, NM
San Francisco Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting
Jul 12, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (America/Denver)
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Bayard Police Department
Friday, July 5
Domestic disturbance
Orchard Street
Two named subjects are fighting/it sounds physical. Officer advised clear/everything is okay/negative on a male being on scene/was just the two females.
Breaking and entering
Budge Street
Camera footage showed someone broke into Space 7 and took rolls of insulation/door was kicked in. Dispatcher advised them not to touch anything.
Friday, July 5
Criminal trespass warning
1313 E. 32nd Street
A named female is refusing to leave/she is still in a room and has alcohol in her system/she has been discharged. Officer advised one female in unit/en route to an A Street address.
Welfare check
Camino de Viento
Caller advised a named subject took and left a lot of unwanted materials on his property/he also trespassed. Deputy out at address.
Dog bite
XYZ Ranch Road — Arenas Valley
Caller's wife got bit by a Chihuahua dog/dog is at caller's house/does not need medical attention/unknown who the dog belongs to. Deputy with one dog in unit en route to animal shelter.
[Editor's Note We are aware that this is out of order, but the report given to the reporter was missing July 3, so he awaits the return of someone to be in the SCPD office.]
Friday, July 5
Criminal damage to property
Yucca Street
Stated someone set her fence on fire/eight feet away from the home/she put the fire out. Officer made contact with a named female and a named male/the female stated she was sleeping in a tent in the backyard and woke up hearing an adhesive spray sound.
July 14, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "F!ght L!ke a G!rl"
?Mary Ann Sedillo and Linda Ortiz from "F!ght L!ke a G!rl" will talk about the work this group does to support, assist and empower girls and women to encourage the growth of a healthy and powerful workforce. They have had public events like March 8 International Women's Day at WNMU.
?This group helps support and assist women and girls in all aspects of their lives including developing mentally, spiritually and physically. They inspire others to understand the value of women's strengths in order to create a stronger community and better world. ?
Looking for volunteers for the upcoming Red Paint PowWow
See flyer below
Bayard Police Department
Monday, July 1
Orchard Street
Called into the PD.
Domestic disturbance
Virginia Street
Caller advised daughter started a fight with other daughters and is now on her way to caller's house to cause problems. Officer advised daughter has not shown up yet but caller will call if she does.
Welfare check
Bard Street
Caller says her mom, who has dementia, left the house/caller called back advising her mom is back at the house. Officer advised mom is okay/they will give her her meds and will call if there are any issues.
Monday, July 1
Domestic disturbance
2069 Cottage San Road – Silver Star
Advised the husband is at the residence and he is being physical with caller/she has a black eye and he has been arguing with her all day/he is under the influence.
Mesa Street – Santa Clara
Caller advised his stepmom is having issues with the neighbor/she has people doing work for her out there and they don't want to go back out because of the neighbor. Deputy on scene/issued (redacted) a CTW for (redacted address).
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