These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Monday, May 13
Domestic disturbance
Sanctuary Road – Pinos Altos
Blue Chevy Cruize/caller advised he hit her in the face and dragged her around/going down Pinos Altos Road to Arenas Valley/he is under the influence of both drugs and alcohol/caller refusing medical/a 3-year-old child is in the home as well.
Welfare check
Ventana de Sierra
Caller from GRMC advised an oncall physician has not answered his phone for the past hour/unknown last time he was spoken to.
Monday, May 13
Welfare check
1401 Silver Heights Blvd.
Male on the ground making strange faces and would not talk to caller. Officer out with Matias Marquez/he is okay.
Unwanted subject
800 S. Robert Street
A homeless person is camping and starting fires on Cooper by the trails. Officer advised units on the dirt road by Boston Hill/male was advised to extinguish the fire and he has four hours to get rid of his camp.
Bring out the family from 7:00 a.m. to noon for fishing and fun!
Kick off your summer at the 10th Annual Aldo Leopold Kids Fishing Derby on Saturday, June 1 at Lake Roberts, north of Silver City, New Mexico. The Mora National Fish Hatchery will stock Lake Roberts with retired Gila trout breeder stock for this event, so kids have a shot at catching a record-sized trout! Smokey Bear will make an appearance to greet all his fans.
SILVER CITY, NM, May 16, 2024 – Memorial Day is just around the corner, and the Gila National Forest, Reserve Ranger District is ready for visitors. Dipping Vat Campground, located adjacent to Snow Lake is up and running and its water system is operational.
We are down to the last week to register. Deadline is the 21st. Sign up today! Get ready to garden! Come have some fun learning about bugs and flowers this month! See the flyer below for all the details. Registration is open at this link:Â
Computer Class-Basics
Wednesday, May 22, 3:00-5:00pm
Silver City Public Library, 515 W. College Ave., Silver City
This very basic class covers the most essential parts of computer usage for beginners such as mouse usage, keyboard usage, and file and folder structure. Class size is limited, so sign up in person at the library or over the phone at 575-538-3672. Contact the library at, 575-538-3672,
Saturday, June 1
Levi Platero
Blues Rock – Full Band
Standing Show/Limited Seating
Doors: 7:00pm • $10/advance $12/door
Show time: between 7:30 + 8:00
Southwestern New Mexico Audubon Society is changing its name to Bird Alliance of Southwestern New Mexico. With a majority of member support, the local chapter of the National Audubon Society is joining other chapters from around the state and country in selecting a name that highlights collective efforts to work on behalf of birds and preserve their habitats.
Following a year-long conversation about John James Audubon's legacy and the harm and barriers his name created, the local SWNM Audubon Board members unanimously supported a name change, bringing this proposal to chapter members for a vote.
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